Topic: God uses single people.
Scripture: Paul
I Corinthians 7:8b
Now to the unmarried and the
widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do.
in our verse today encouraged the single people of his time to remain single so
they could focus on God and His ministries.
They were living in an exciting and unprecedented time. Jesus had recently been walking the earth and
water; Christianity was growing like wildfire.
Paul believed that marriage, for him, would have required him to devote some
of the time he was devoting to God to family duties.
little doubt that God blessed Paul’s ministry.
Depending on your sources, these numbers may vary a bit, but most agree
that that Paul was shipwrecked three times, beaten three times, in prison three
times (for a period of about six years), stoned once (and survived) and
beheaded once for being a Christian. He
is also credited with writing thirteen epistles, including some while in
prison. And God has blessed generations with those writings.
was blessed to participate in many roles and ministries when I was single. God allowed me to work with sound equipment
(really heavy sound equipment); attend coffee houses (does that date me or
what?); sing in a choir and a small group (and I know that may surprise anyone
who has ever stood by me); work with RAs (boys missions group); play and
“coach” church league softball; lead bible studies; direct and produce youth
dramas; chaperone ski and mission trips; plan spaghetti suppers; and I had an
incredible amount of fun doing it. I only
pray that God blessed those around me as much as He blessed me. He loves to have single people reflect His
love and engage with other Christians.
Lead, follow and fellowship!
is no different – our Father and our churches need single people to serve. Do you know someone single who you can help
Topic: God uses engaged people.
Scripture: Mary & Joseph
Luke 1:26-28 (Msg)
In the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to the
Galilean village
of Nazareth to a virgin
engaged to be married to a man descended from David. His name was Joseph, and
the virgin's name, Mary. Upon entering, Gabriel greeted her:
Good morning! You're beautiful with God's beauty, beautiful inside and out! God be with you.
Good morning! You're beautiful with God's beauty, beautiful inside and out! God be with you.
most famous unmarried couple in the entire Bible is Mary and Joseph. (Actually, they are the only engaged couple I
could find in the Bible except when David took Saul’s daughter Michal from her
husband, and you’ll have to look that one up yourself.)
has always been a transitional time.
Many things are happening fast and there are so many demands. Seems everyone wants a piece of the couple
and available time is short. Tensions
abound, and temptations are plentiful.
The thought “What am I getting into?” may come to mind. And in all of that, it’s easy to lose
perspective. It’s easy to rationalize
playing married, or at least honeymoon.
is a good time to do as Joseph and Mary did.
Listen to what God has to say to you and act accordingly. Commit to purity in your relationship. Share time with close friends who can support
and nurture you and your relationships – those with other people and the one
with our God.
you are in this place in life or know someone who is, look for ways to keep God
in the center of this exciting relationship.
Topic: God uses married people.
Scripture: Sarah & Abraham
Genesis 18: 9:12 (Msg)
The men said to him,
"Where is Sarah your wife?" He
said, "In the tent." One of
them said, "I'm coming back about this time next year. When I arrive, your
wife Sarah will have a son." Sarah was listening at the tent opening, just
behind the man. Abraham and Sarah were
old by this time, very old. Sarah was far past the age for having babies. Sarah
laughed within herself, "An old woman like me? Get pregnant? With this old
man of a husband?"
believe God has a perfect sense of timing, and a real sense of humor. Abraham was 100 years old (Gen 21) when his
son Isaac was born. I’m closer to half
that age, and I can’t even imagine starting my family now.
As I
think about this passage and family, I realize how many ways God has used me as
a married man. He’s used me to minister
to my family – trying to be the example God would have me be, and often
failing. Working to model to those I
love the most a personal relationship with the creator. I think one of the highest callings a man can
have is to participate in the development of young Christians in his children
and to try to always love and unconditionally support his wife as Christ
nurtures the church.
also think of the wonderful ministries Tracy and I have been able to share
together and the ones we have performed alone since we married, but always with
support from the other at home. Those
ministries have included meal preparation, committee participation and
leadership, deacon ministries, building programs, small group development,
prayer ministries, leading classes, church drama, writing devotions, and most
recently working with a single person - my sixteen year old daughter, who does
sound as I do the multi media at our church.
(She likes being one of the few people who can make the preacher be
did a miracle when he gave Abraham and Sarah a child in their old age, and they
are part of Jesus lineage. God wants to
use married people too. All we have to
do is be available and listen to His call.
Is He calling you to a new and surprising service?
Topic: God uses widowed people.
Scripture: Ruth & Naomi
Ruth 1:3-5 (Msg)
Elimelech died and Naomi was
left, she and her two sons. The sons took Moabite wives; the name of the first
was Orpah, the second Ruth. They lived there in Moab for the next ten years. But
then the two brothers, Mahlon and Kilion, died. Now the woman was left without
either her young men or her husband.
grandfather passed away when I was about five.
I barely remember him, but I have many fond memories of my
grandmother. She took care of me when I
was young and both of my parents were working.
She took me to Blue Circle
for hamburgers and bought me Icees. She
spent the night with me sometimes when I was little and slept in my bed with
me. Other times I got to stay with her
at her house – and I remember getting on my knees with her by the bed every
time and saying our prayers. She was
very active in her church. I remember
when I thought she was older than God, but still taking food to shut ins (the
“old people” she’d call them). I
remember her wearing out several bibles – the cover in tatters and the margins
of each page filled with notes. She
outlived my grandfather by over thirty years, and showed her devotion to Christ
used Thelma Cox to help me become the Christian I am today. I love her and look forward to seeing her
again one day.
used Ruth and her mother in law Naomi.
As examples of love and commitment, and as part of Jesus family
line. None of us is beyond being a tool
for Jesus to use as He continues to build His church.
Topic: God uses divorced people.
Scripture: Isaiah 25: 6-9 (NIV)
On this mountain, the LORD
Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged
wine — the best of meats and the finest of wines. On this mountain, He will
destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations;
He will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign LORD will wipe away the tears
from all faces; He will remove His people’s disgrace from all the earth. The
LORD has spoken. In that day they will say, “Surely this is our God; we trusted
in him, and he saved us. This is the LORD; we trusted in Him; let us rejoice
and be glad in His salvation.”
was the first one in our youth group to get married. She was still in high school, and we were all
a little surprised. She quickly dropped
out of our group and we didn’t see her a lot.
grew up in a more fundamental church where there were still sins God didn’t
seem to forgive. Divorce was one of
a year or so, Rosa came back to church. Not a lot was officially said, but over time
the Baptist grapevine (prayer concerns) revealed she had been an abused wife,
and was now divorced.
wish I could say we warmly and immediately brought Rosa
back into our group. We didn’t. She never was as involved the second time as
she was the first. I wrestled with her
divorce/sin and how normal she looked - like the rest of us. I wondered why God
would treat her differently.
As a
young man, I went through divorce. We
were both Christian and had been active in church. No one was abused or unfaithful, but it
happened. As I struggled with this sin
in my life, I remember my friend Chuck telling me God didn’t want me to be
miserable the rest of my life, and no matter what, God still loved me and so
did he.
now understand divorce as a sin – like all other sins. One Christ died for and wants to
forgive. And for His loving grace, I am
very grateful.
love how the scripture today says God wipes away our tears, and removes our
disgrace. He restores us to His
fellowship and has many ways to use flawed vessels like me. Are you holding back from Jesus because you
think your sins prevent you from being able to participate? Let His forgiving grace cover you – wiping
your tears and pain away – and rejoicing in His love.

God appears to me
Isaiah 6: 1-4 (New International Version)
In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and
exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him were seraphim, each with six wings:
With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and
with two they were flying. And they were
calling to one another:
“Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is
full of his glory.”
At the sound of their voices, the doorposts and thresholds
shook and the temple was filled with smoke.
How does God appear to you?
I can’t answer the question the way that Isaiah does here. God has never appeared to me in that way,
but, oh how blessed I am that God has appeared to me in so many ways over the
years I’ve known Him. Some of those ways
- I’ve seen the majesty and beauty of His world in the Smoky Mountains where I grew up; in the alpine vistas I’ve seen while skiing; on the beaches at Rio de Janeiro; boating the Amazon jungle rivers; in Mexican towns; in the broad expanse of Texas; and in the Hoosier heartland of America I now call home.
- I’ve held my newborn daughter and seen His purity and known love I can’t describe.
- I’ve been in worship services where there were hundreds singing and worshipping, in large beautiful buildings, school auditoriums, and in smaller groups much less structured.
- I’ve heard God speak through wonderful pastors, through listening to His word when travelling alone, and through the honest words of a caring friend.
- I’ve felt God right there beside me - when I didn’t know what to ask for, what I needed, or how I was going to make it through some of the challenges I’ve faced.
My list could go on for days, and I hope yours can too.
My challenge for us today is to just take a minute and think
about how God has appeared in the past.
What are the common factors?
During good times or problems?
Directly, or through others? Daily
or rarely? Then let’s ask God to
continue to reveal Himself to us as we seek to know Him more.
God does for me, what I can’t do for myself
Isaiah 6: 5-7 (Holman Christian Standard Version)
Then I said: Woe is me for I am ruined
because I am a man of unclean lips and live among a people of unclean lips, and
because my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of Hosts. Then one of the
seraphim flew to me, and in his hand was a glowing coal that he had taken from
the altar with tongs. He touched my mouth with it and said: Now that this has
touched your lips, your wickedness is removed and your sin is atoned for.
How do you decide whether to do something yourself, and when
to call “the guy”? I can “easily” do
limited home and car repair duties (don’t tell Tracy though). I can attempt more complex repairs, and
muddle through with mixed results, but there are some things I won’t even
attempt. For example, I’m not going to
try roofing our two story house at this point in my life – it’s too hot up
there and too high to fall from. So for
that - I call my “roofing guy”. I also
have an “AC guy”, a “plumbing guy”, and a “car repair guy”. I tell myself, that even though I have to
call for help on some home things, I’m still getting it done (hear the ego
there?), and for this kind of duty, it’s mostly true.
But in looking at our verses today, it is very clear to me –
there are things I can’t do. And my “guys”
can’t do. I must stand right next to
Isaiah and say “me too” to his words.
I’m a sinner saved purely by God’s grace and through nothing of my
own. God did that. Now, I didn’t see a flying coal coming at me,
but just as God had to cleanse Isaiah, he has to cleanse me of my sinful traits
and fit me for His use.
Today, and every day, I want to look inside myself and see
if there are still things there that I need to ask God to clean out so I can be
fit to serve Him in whatever way He wishes.
My challenge for you is to join me in that look inside.
God speaks to me
Isaiah 6:8a (Message Version)
And then I heard the voice of the Master: "Whom shall I
send? Who will go for us?"
I don’t always pay attention. Way more often than I’d like to admit, I zone
out the “background” noise. Noise like
the doorbell, the dryer buzzing, the microwave finishing, the phone ringing,
and even the check engine light. I don’t
hear the cats cries at their dinner time or notice the empty seed cups on the
birds cages. I miss comments from my
wife that, were I to pick up them, would make our relationship better. I ignore emails asking someone to volunteer
for something to help others. I think
the landscaping will trim itself. (Know the difference in landscaping and shrubs? Several hundred dollars.)
But in our verse today – God Himself speaks to Isaiah. Our Lord and Master. Looking for someone to use in His plan to
expand His kingdom for His glory. And I believe
God is speaking to many people today calling out with a plan to use us.
My challenge today is just to listen – what is He calling me
to do?
God sends
Isaiah 6:8b (Message Version)
I spoke up, "I'll go. Send me!"
Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed starred in one of my favorite
movies - Frank Capra’s Christmas classic It’s
a Wonderful Life. It’s the story of
a young man who grows up with big dreams of travel and professional grandeur that
fail to manifest. Instead, he finds
himself pulled into his father’s role in the family business and being “stuck”
there for his entire life. He sees good
things happen to others, and bemoans his lot in life. He felt called to great things, and got a “regular”
life. (I won’t ruin the ending for you
in case you haven’t seen it, but I highly recommend you watch for it in
When I was in high school, I remember a long talk with my
favorite uncle. I was pretty active in a
Baptist church youth group, and was thinking I would make a good youth
director. All you do is play with kids
for a living, right? Uncle Hubert told
me that if God wanted me in professional ministry, there would be no other
field I could succeed in and be happy.
But if it was me wanting it, I would not be happy nor succeed in a
church vocation. His counsel was to go
to college open minded and train for a profession to support myself and my
family. God would let me know what to
In the script to A
Wonderful Life, Jimmy Stewart was called into the family business. Today, I believe I’ve been called to my
career – I’ve been mostly successful, and I pretty much like what I do for a
living every day. As an engineer, not a vocational
minister. I’ve been called too at
different times to serve my Lord in many roles, and I believe I’ve been used to
minister to others in multiple ways (choir, teacher, deacon, setting up chairs,
serving the homeless, leading groups of professionals, writing devotionals,
etc.). I pray God continues to send me
to serve Him.
My challenge today is to be willing to do the work He needs
done for His glory, not mine. Are you
willing to be the dishwasher if that’s what God needs? Try it – I’ve done it, and been blessed.
God Almighty, not happy Jesus
Isaiah 6: 10-13 (Message Version)
"Go and tell this people:
"'Listen hard, but you aren't going to get it look
hard, but you won't catch on.' Make these people blockheads, with fingers in
their ears and blindfolds on their eyes, So they won't see a thing, won't hear a word, So they won't have a clue
about what's going on and, yes, so they won't turn around and be made
Astonished, I said, "And Master, how long is this to go
He said, "Until the cities are emptied out, not a soul
left in the cities— Houses empty of people, countryside empty of people. Until I, God, get rid of everyone, sending
them off, the land totally empty. And
even if some should survive, say a tenth, the devastation will start up again.
The country will look like pine and oak forest with every tree cut down - Every
tree a stump, a huge field of stumps.
But there's a holy seed in those stumps."
Did you know if you Google “Happy
Jesus” you get over 431 million hits?
Some of those include Happy Jesus-ween (replacing Halloween?), would
Happy Jesus save the Dolphins?, a happy Jesus face book page, and a happy Jesus
day website! Google helpfully suggests
we also look at funny Jesus, buddy Jesus, laughing Jesus, happy god, happy
bible, and happy Jesus zombie day. When
channel surfing, I often see religious broadcasts that seem to cater to those
who are seeking to have what appear to me to be worldly habits blessed; or to
have someone tell them things they are doing that are “perhaps” wrong, are ok,
and God wants them just the way they are.
They are seeking to receive God’s blessings of peace, health, wealth,
and happiness – and that’s not all bad. Invariably,
someone (usually with more hair than I have) tells them the things they want to
hear, takes their money, and they leave happy, but in many cases they are as ignorant
of God’s plan as they were when they came in and they are still sinning. If you read the verses today, you’ll see that
Isaiah wasn’t called to preach happiness.
He wasn’t called to heap riches on the disobedient. It was a hard message of judgment and
tribulation for a deaf and blind people.
Our world today is filled with job
losses, unemployable workers, higher costs, cancer, crime, church membership
declining and churches failing, gay marriage, political polarization, war,
rumors of war, nuclear weaponry, divorce, strikes, hunger, homelessness, drug
abuse, child abuse, spousal abuse, lack of personal responsibility, obesity,
lack of respect for others, air pollution, cyber security, and so on (I could
have made a longer list, but I’m afraid I’m way past the number of words that
can hold your attention). I think these
things come from sin. My sin, yours,
relatives, friends, enemies, strangers, people dead for generations and alive
today. Whether we like it or not,
becoming a Christian doesn’t guarantee a happy, healthy, wealthy life from
there on. Being a Christian is not for
wimps, and some of the things we have to face are unpleasant.
My challenge today is to try to be aware of everything that God is trying to say to
me. To teach me the wonders of his
blessings, mercy, and grace, and the consequences of living in a sinful world -
and to remember that He walks with me through it all.