The return of the King
Revelation 19:11 through 20:10
Revelation 19:11a
And I saw heaven opened, and behold…
As I sit and write this, I've been back in Texas for almost two months. 968 miles away from ten years of Indiana corn and soy beans, and living in a majestically different Texas than the metro Houston I remember fondly, I am finding myself feeling closer to God than I have in some time.
Driving to work here can easily mean an hour or more of time alone in the car, but unlike Houston, you are moving. The hill country west of Austin is God's beauty to experience. The hills, the twisting roads, the livestock – deer, goats, sheep, and even elk.
I don't think I will ever forget my first day of work here. Headed to Johnson City from Austin and squinting as dawn breaks in my rear view mirror and then, there was that moment. When the road curved and dropped away, the horizon moved from right in front of you to seemingly infinity. The sun behind you lighting up the mountains and valleys and trees and hills ahead of you – all at once. And it made me think of today's verse. It felt like heaven was opening and I was seeing something that though familiar, was spectacularly new and special.
I think that's how it will be when Jesus come back. One minute we're in the midst of normal stresses (like starting a new job) and our minds are on the mundane when heaven opens. And God Himself reaches out and welcomes us right into his presence to behold Him in a new way we've never imagined.
Join me today in praising Him. Open your mind and awareness; allow him to open heaven up just for you to glimpse.
Here comes da judge!
Revelation 19:11b
And I saw Heaven opened and behold a white horse, and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He doeth Judge…
As I write, there are nine days, thirteen hours and change before the next presidential election. (And as you read this, I will be praying for our president elect and asking God to guide all of our leaders.) I'm blessed to have friends on both sides of the aisle and try my best to listen and learn – respectfully and transparently. I want to know what others think is important. Discuss what are the facts and what is spin? What are the risks in who we elect? I want to make my decision based on facts and my conscience.
As I've talked with others, I've found one thing that is almost universal. We are not pleased with some aspect of each major candidate, and we have concerns, great and small, over the direction our nation is going. And beyond that to the whole world.
What experiences and knowledge do our leaders really possess? Are they going to be able to make things better, or even hold the line as the international society rages. Are they authentic and honorable? Are they honest? Are they seeking His will? Am I open to His will if it disagrees with my desires?
And although I'm not comfortable interpreting the things described in the book of Revelation, I feel comforted when I look at our verse today. It speaks of Jesus – and I know Him. I would not hesitate to vote for Him, but that was never meant to be. It simply isn't necessary, for you see, He's already in charge. He is faithful to us and His word is true.
Join me today as I pray for our earthly leaders. Pray for me as I seek to know my Lord more closely and be more like Him daily. Thank Him with me for being who He is – the one who is qualified to lead from righteousness.
God's wrath and the judgement of sinners
Revelation 19:13-16 (
Most of us are more comfortable thinking about our God as a kind and loving personal friend. Someone who wants us to be good; who forgives us when we fail and wipes away our tears when we hurt. We are not as comfortable thinking about the anger of God and the times in the Old Testament where he sent in armies to kill men, women, children, and livestock (I mean really - how sinful can a cow really be?) or in our text today as He reigns in judgement. Some may even think this is the Old God and Jesus is the New and God is now a kindly grandfather who tries to make our lives better. I don't agree. I read of Jesus clearing out the temple, and here I read of Him coming to judge the people of the earth for sin.
God has given us many of His own characteristics: Love, kindness, anger, sadness, grief, and pain. Some are just ours – guilt, envy, selfishness and lying come to mind. I am humbled to admit how often the human failures manifest in my life, and how much I need to add more fruits of the Spirit to my day. For I am a wretched sinner. I fail my God, my family and friends, and myself.
But I see today's verses not in fear, but in hope. Hope that one day, my sins will truly be gone. My shortcomings will be behind me. That Jesus, in taking my sin on Himself, has provided a home for me with Him. And a victorious yet sorrowful feeling – knowing that His wrath will pour out. That all those people I used to hope would get what they deserve – do get what I deserve. Knowing I have Christ's forgiveness; that God is a fair judge and that we all are accountable for our decisions doesn't make it easier to know many will face eternity separated from God.
Today I'm praying for the people I know who are like me – flawed and sinful. People I can walk with in their journey to God. Asking Him to use me, even if it takes me out of my comfort zone.
A glimpse of heaven?
Revelation 20:1-3
"And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him...
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving as I write, and there appears to be something in the air. A spirit a little more open to putting the election behind us, and the hate it drew from so many, and looking ahead. I see a mom and infant daughter meeting her father for breakfast - and the sparkle in the child's eye seeing her Grand Dad is incredible. Grand Dad's smile is prettty memorable too! Then there's a table of older men (my age), extra chairs pulled up, sitting with coffee cups well filled; with oft told and well embellished stories sharing conversation, fellowship and life. Makes me wonder what is heaven really like.
Don't get me wrong, I believe that being in God's presence with other Christian souls will be an indescribable experience beyond my ability to comprehend. But I also think it will be filled with some simple things. The smile of a child. The hug of a family member. Shared time with good friends. Maybe even a cup of coffee and a wagging tail from a loving pet. A time with no temptation, no sin, no division and no time constraints or conflicts.
Today's scripture tells of a time when God will bind Satan up for a thousand years. Whether this is a real event or a vision; Whatever your opinion of the millennium and its timing; there are some awesome things in this passage. God wins. Satan is put away. We are freed up to live for God; to love and minister to each other. And may that ministry include the smile of a child, the hug of a friend, good fellowship and the presence of our Lord.
Join me today in thinking about what heaven will be like, and in trying to live each day as if a part of it were already here.
We don't make changes - God does.
Revelation 20: 7-9
When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—and to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of Godʼs people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them.
Labor Day; Halloween; Veterans Day; Thanksgiving; Christmas; New Years, and we start over. Time goes so quickly in the autumn. And this year I've managed to throw in a job change, a near 1,000 mile relocation, an attempt to market an old house long distance, find a new place to live, and started adapting to a new business culture and role.
Good time to make some positive changes too. Eat better. Move more. Live more simply. And those are all good things I hope to succeed at, but they don't bring eternal change. We see in our scripture today that after God locked Satan up for a thousand years (about 4 times as long as the United States is - more than 33 times as long as I am old) he came out as evil and morally corrupt as he was when he was when he went in. Left alone, we don't change, or if we do, it's not for the better.
I pray for His guidance to identify the things in my life that are most offensive to Him. To realize and embrace how bad those things are for me. To ask diligently and daily for His grace and strength to overcome them, and for forgiveness for my failures to do so. And I believe that's the only way I can make changes in my life that lasts beyond a thousand years.
Join me today in brutally cold self evaluation. Maybe write down those things God reveals that displease Him. Ask Him to forgive our sin and failures. Ask Him to guide us in being the people we can be in Him. And look forward to who we become as He makes us more like Him. It's way better than the usual New Year's Resolution, and has a much greater potential benefit.
Jim,If you would go ahead and get your devotions to me as soon as you can, I will wrap up my responsibilities. I feel like I've gotten to know you through your writings and our brief conversations, even though I would not recognize you if I saw you(ha ha). If you do come to Houston let me know.
Thank you very much,Walter