Saturday, November 7, 2009

Joy in His Presence

(NOTE:  This one is not in sequence with the other postings or related to my WTBC writings.  Next Saturday we'll pick back up with #2 in the series "Jesus Embodies".)

Psalm 43:4
Then will I go to the altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight. I will praise you with the harp, O God, my God.

We are blessed at my house to have a small rabbit officially named Samson (I think my daughter named him after the story of the Lion's Den in the bible, so we will be working on remedial bible story characters with her soon). He's about four pounds and has always been a house pet. Our two cats raised him, and I call him Puppy. He's well trained and stays loose in the house most of the time, but spends his nights in his cage.

Our workday morning routine usually involves my wonderful wife letting him out while I'm in the shower. Most mornings, he hears me open the closet door, and comes tearing down the hall, into the bedroom making a huge sweeping arc because he is going too fast to turn quickly. He skids to a stop at my feet and looks up. Sometimes, he is so excited he literally jumps straight up in the air and quivers. Always we do a dance where he circles my feet - around in one direction. I take a step - and he goes around the other way. I put my feet together, and he runs really close. I open them up, and he ducks between. A different pattern, but the same steps daily - and always with pauses for him to jump and tremble. And he always stops at my feet long enough for me to reach down and pet him. His joy is overflowing - and contagious. Such a nice way to start a day!

This week, as I shared his joy, I realized how much I want to be like Puppy. I want to watch daily for signs of my Master's presence. I want to listen intently and hear God walking near me. When I sense Him, I want to eagerly run to Him and be overcome with excitement and joy at the opportunity to just be in His presence. I want to tremble inside because my God loves me. I need to know He smiles, and reaches down to touch me. It is such an awesome thought that God loves me - much more than I love a small rabbit. Even more than I love my family and friends. More than anyone can imagine.

I also thought about how much I have come to look forward to Puppy coming in every morning. The dance, the jumping, the petting. Wiping the shedding hair off my hand. But some mornings he gets distracted, and most Friday mornings I leave early so he is still in his cage. And I miss him. And I realize another lesson - God is eager for me to come to Him. He wants to see me. He wants me to run to him. See my excitement. Demonstrate my love for him. And bless me when I do. And When I don't come to Him, He misses me.

And so I wonder - Why do I struggle so much to have a consistent quiet time?

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